Time Change Feature: How to Change Time on Fitbit Inspire 2

How to Change Time on Fitbit Inspire 2

To change the time on your Fitbit Inspire 2, follow these steps. If you want to change the time on your Fitbit Inspire 2, you can easily do so by following these simple steps. Setting the correct time on your Fitbit Inspire 2 is essential to ensure that your fitness tracker accurately tracks your activity and provides timely reminders. Understanding the time settings on your Fitbit Inspire 2 is straightforward to do. In this article, we will guide you through the process of accessing the time settings, as well as the different options available for adjusting the time.

Accessing The Time Settings

Unlocking the Time Change Feature? How to Change Time on Fitbit Inspire 2

Accessing the time settings on your Fitbit Inspire 2 is a simple process. To begin, make sure your Fitbit device is fully charged and connected to your smartphone. Once your device is connected, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Fitbit app on your smartphone and tap on your profile picture in the top-left corner of the screen.
  2. Scroll down and select the “Settings” option.
  3. Under the “Advanced Settings” section, tap on “Time Zone”.
  4. Choose the desired time zone from the list provided.
  5. After selecting the time zone, your Fitbit Inspire 2 will update the time automatically.

By following these steps, you can easily access the time settings on your Fitbit Inspire 2 and ensure that your device is displaying the correct time.

Options For Time Adjustment

Fitbit Inspire 2 offers a range of options to adjust the time according to your preferences. Here are the different options available:

Option Description
Automatic Time Sync This option syncs the time on your Fitbit Inspire 2 with the time on your smartphone, ensuring accurate and up-to-date time tracking.
Manual Time Sync If you prefer to set the time manually, you can disable the automatic time sync and enter the time manually. This option is useful if you often travel to different time zones or your smartphone’s time is not accurate.

By selecting the appropriate option for time adjustment, you can ensure that your Fitbit Inspire 2 displays the correct time and provides accurate tracking of your fitness activities.

Manual Time Change Method

Discover the simple method to manually adjust the time on your Fitbit Inspire 2, brought to you by https://gadget-live.com/. Whether you’re traveling to a different time zone or simply need to update the time for daylight savings, this easy-to-follow guide will help you change the time settings on your Fitbit Inspire 2 effortlessly. Ensuring that your fitness device displays the correct time is crucial for accurate activity tracking and personalized timekeeping. Follow along with our guide to make these adjustments quickly and get back to focusing on your health and fitness goals.

Step-by-step Guide For Manual Time Adjustment

Changing the time on your Fitbit Inspire 2 is a simple task that can be done manually. The manual time change method allows you to quickly and accurately update the time on your fitness tracker. Follow these step-by-step instructions to adjust the time on your Fitbit Inspire 2:

  1. Unlock your Fitbit Inspire 2 by pressing the button on the left side of the display.
  2. Swipe up on the display to access the main menu.
  3. Tap on the “Settings” icon, which is represented by a gear symbol.
  4. Scroll down to find the “Clock” option and tap on it.
  5. Select “Time” from the list of options.
  6. Tap on “Set Automatically” to disable this feature.
  7. Once disabled, select “Set Time” to manually adjust the time.
  8. Use the “+” and “-” buttons to set the hour and minute accordingly.
  9. After setting the time, tap on the checkmark or confirmation button.
  10. Finally, press the button on the left side of the display to lock your Fitbit Inspire 2.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you encounter any issues while changing the time on your Fitbit Inspire 2, here are some troubleshooting tips to resolve them:

  • The time is not updating: Ensure that you have disabled the “Set Automatically” feature and manually set the time using the steps mentioned earlier.
  • Time is incorrect after manual adjustment: Double-check that you have accurately set the hour and minute using the “+” and “-” buttons. If the issue persists, try restarting your Fitbit Inspire 2 and repeat the manual time adjustment process.
  • Time is constantly changing: This may occur if you have enabled the “Set Automatically” feature. Make sure to disable it and manually set the time as required.

By following these simple steps and troubleshooting tips, you can easily change the time on your Fitbit Inspire 2 using the manual time change method. Enjoy keeping track of your activities accurately with your updated fitness tracker!

Syncing Time With the Fitbit App

One of the standout features of the Fitbit Inspire 2, a point of comparison in the Fitbit inspire 2 vs Inspire 3 debate, is its ability to sync time automatically with the Fitbit app. This seamless synchronization is essential for maintaining accurate time on your device, which is vital for effective tracking of your fitness activities. In this section, we’ll delve into how to utilize the Fitbit app to ensure your Inspire 2’s time is always synchronized correctly. 

Additionally, we’ll guide troubleshooting any synchronization errors that might occur. Keeping your Fitbit Inspire 2’s time synced with the Fitbit app not only enhances your user experience but also ensures that your fitness data is as precise as possible.

Using The Fitbit App For Time Sync

Syncing the time on your Fitbit Inspire 2 with the Fitbit app is a straightforward process that ensures your device’s time is always accurate. Follow these simple steps to sync the time using the Fitbit app:

  1. Ensure that your Fitbit Inspire 2 is connected to your smartphone or tablet via Bluetooth.
  2. Open the Fitbit app on your mobile device and navigate to the device settings.
  3. Select your Fitbit Inspire 2 from the list of connected devices.
  4. Look for the option to sync the time with your mobile device and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process.

Troubleshooting Sync Errors

If you encounter any sync errors while attempting to sync the time with the Fitbit app, here are some troubleshooting steps you can take:

  • Ensure that your Fitbit Inspire 2 and mobile device are within proximity to each other.
  • Check that Bluetooth is enabled on your mobile device and that it is successfully paired with your Fitbit Inspire 2.
  • Restart both your Fitbit Inspire 2 and mobile device to refresh their connection.
  • If the issue persists, refer to the Fitbit app’s support resources for additional troubleshooting steps.

Utilizing Automatic Time Updates

Utilizing Automatic Time Updates

Easily adjust the time on your Fitbit Inspire 2 by enabling automatic time updates. Simply navigate to the settings on your device, select the time option, and activate the automatic time update feature to ensure accurate timekeeping. This seamless process ensures that your Fitbit displays the correct time at all times.

Enabling Automatic Time Updates

To make life easier, the Fitbit Inspire 2 offers the convenient feature of automatic time updates. Once enabled, your Fitbit will stay in sync with the current time, ensuring that you always have accurate information right on your wrist. To take advantage of this time-saving feature, follow these simple steps:

  1. Start by accessing the Fitbit app on your mobile device.
  2. Tap on the device icon located at the top right corner of the screen.
  3. Select the option that reads “Clock Faces.”
  4. Scroll down and locate the “Time Zone” section.
  5. Toggle the switch next to “Automatic Time Zone” to enable it.
  6. You’re all set! Your Fitbit Inspire 2 will now update its time automatically based on your phone’s settings.

Benefits And Drawbacks

Utilizing automatic time updates on your Fitbit Inspire 2 offers several advantages, but it’s essential to consider both the benefits and potential drawbacks: 


  • Accuracy: With automatic time updates, you can trust that your Fitbit will always display the correct time without the need for any manual adjustment.
  • Convenience: By enabling this feature, you eliminate the hassle of manually setting the time on your Fitbit whenever you travel or switch time zones.
  • Efficiency: Automatic time updates save you time and effort since your Fitbit will handle the time synchronization process for you.


  • Dependency on Mobile Device: Automatic time updates rely on your mobile device’s time settings. If your phone has incorrect time settings, your Fitbit’s time will also be incorrect.
  • Potential Battery Drain: Constantly syncing with your phone’s time settings may drain your Fitbit’s battery faster, although this drain is typically minimal.
  • Network Connection Requirement: To implement automatic time updates, your Fitbit needs to be connected to your mobile device and have Internet access.

Considering these benefits and drawbacks, you can decide whether enabling automatic time updates on your Fitbit Inspire 2 aligns with your preferences and lifestyle. Enjoy the convenience and accuracy that this feature brings to your fitness journey!

Frequently Asked Questions On How To Change Time On Fitbit Inspire 2

How Do I Change The Time On My Fitbit Inspire 2?

To change the time on your Fitbit Inspire 2, go to the clock face and swipe left. Tap on “Settings” and scroll down to “Clock. ” From there, you can easily change the time and choose your preferred time format.

Can I Change The Time On My Fitbit Inspire 2 Manually?

Yes, you can manually change the time on your Fitbit Inspire 2. Simply follow the steps mentioned above to access the clock settings and adjust the time according to your preference.

Why Is The Time On My Fitbit Inspire 2 Incorrect?

If the time on your Fitbit Inspire 2 is incorrect, it might be due to the device not syncing with your smartphone or a synchronization issue with the Fitbit servers. Ensure that your device is connected to your phone and try syncing the data again to resolve any time discrepancies.

Does Changing The Time On My Fitbit Inspire 2 Affect My Activity Data?

No, changing the time on your Fitbit Inspire 2 does not affect your activity data. Activity data is recorded based on the device’s internal tracker and is not impacted by time changes.


To sum up, changing the time on your Fitbit Inspire 2 is a simple and essential task for accurate activity tracking. Learn how to change the font size on your smartphone to enhance readability, and by following the steps in this guide, easily adjust the time settings on your Fitbit. Ensuring your fitness data is precise, these easy instructions will keep your device updated and ready for all your fitness adventures.