Little investment business ideas to start now

Start business with little investment

The business ideas that we propose to you can start with little investment. Of course, you put your imagination and effort into it.

The Versatility Of The Containers

In recent years we have seen a proliferation of container-based businesses. Sometimes they are already built with these goals in mind. But on other occasions, they are recycled shipping containers. Inside are gyms, restaurants, storage rooms, and convenience stores. Or any other business that you can think of that can be started with little investment. In favor of this model, it is worth mentioning its versatility. The elimination of civil works, and the ease of transporting them from one place to another. Against: the difficulty in obtaining the license for the occupation of public land by the competent authorities or negotiating with other landholders.

Paper Restorer

Little investment business ideas

The opportunity lies in the diminishing competition and the high costs paid to receive this service. However, the difficulties are also greater, starting with the high knowledge barrier. And the scarcity of clients interested in spending a fortune to restore a manuscript to its original appearance. For the rest, it is all a matter of a lot of skill and patience, rather than large sums to set up a business in this specialty.

Sell Training In Networks

It seems that the networks that work best at the moment are TikTok and Instagram. The format does not allow offering great explanations, but small tricks that end up turning subjects, a priori arid, into attractive content. An example of success is represented by Kat Norton, better known as Miss Excel, the TikTok who has managed to become an influencer by showing the different functionalities and uses of Excel on networks, the software with which, sooner or later, we are all condemned to face some once in a lifetime Her explanations make even the spreadsheet look fun while she sells other tools in the Microsoft environment.

A Basketry

As in the paper restorer, here too the business opportunity is based on the few professionals who remain practicing the traditional trade of basket making, in the same way, that it happens with other crafts. The fact is that their services are still necessary, maybe not so much to acquire new items as to repair some of those that we already treasure as family memories or picturesque objects. Finding someone to carry out this work is increasingly difficult. And it is precisely the little investment that makes its professionals rise in price.

Make Chatbots

It is true that there are already numerous tools available on the internet that allow companies to create their own customer service chatbot. However, if what they want is to make a difference and offer a competent service, they will have to resort to a specialized professional.

As Murray Newlands, ChatBot expert, says: ‘Ten years ago every company needed a website and five years ago every company needed an app, today every company needs to open the door to messaging with Artificial Intelligence and chatbots. This creates opportunities and jobs. You can learn how to make them for free by learning to code, and then make them for companies.

Portable Urinals For Women

It turns out that, at large public outdoor events, women have a harder time urinating than men. With the purpose of satisfying this need, Gina Périer and Alexander Egebjerg, Danish architects, founded Lapse in 2017, a company that sells pink female urinals that prevent women from having to wait in gigantic lines to access the bathroom or do so in the middle of the street. Very useful for outdoor events such as festivals, marathons, or sports tournaments.

In Spain, we have already been able to see these original urinals in events such as the San Sebastián Half Marathon, the Nits del Fòrum, the Tomavista Festival in Madrid, or the previous edition of the Cruïlla Festival. However, it is in 2022, when they arrive at big festivals. And it is that they will not only be found at Mad Cool Festival, but the urinals will also be present at Primavera Sound and Festival Cruïlla.

Professional Graffiti

There are many graffiti artists who started this practice in the streets when they were young and who now decide to make the leap to professionalism. They are businesses that are based on offering a service of decorative murals, both inside and outside the establishments. As an advantage, they offer the possibility of making totally personalized designs capable of reflecting the spirit of a company. Many of these professionals work as freelancers, although there are also those who are grouped into platforms or create specialized companies.

Personal Chef At Home

They cook in your house, they serve the menu and, when they finish, they leave everything impeccable. This is the service offered by the thousands of chefs at home who come together under the Takeachef platform. The business is based on selling the experience of having an award-winning chef in the kitchen of your home. And if you already enjoy a certain reputation in the market, you can move individually.

Marketing Of Micro-Influencers

When talking about micro-influencers, reference is made to influencers who have fewer fans than usual (between 5,000 and 100,000 followers), but get more interaction on their profiles and, consequently, a higher percentage of conversions and most loyal followers. In this way, celebrities and great YouTubers are gaining more and more ground. Creating an agency with these profiles specializing in a certain area can be an interesting idea.

Voice-Over Services

The main talent in this case is the use of the voice as a tool. Daniel Sáez, for example, offers professional voice-over services in Spanish and Catalan through his website. This is the professional outlet that this freelance sound technician with his own recording studio has found in a digital environment where the voice is becoming increasingly important.

In an increasingly digitized economy, these services are in demand not only as an advertising claim but also for the creation of self-guides, audiobooks, film interpretation and even to lend a voice to streamers and influencers.

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