8 Spare Car Parts to Have at All Times

Modern cars are built to last; they’re tested extensively before they’re rolled out on the streets. Therefore, the chances of something blowing up are fairly negligible, but being prepared for a situation is the best that we can do.

There are some parts in our cars that can easily wear out, especially in difficult driving conditions, with users of stellar spins having experienced this before.. Here’s a list of eighy must-have spare parts in your cars at all times.

  1. Tire

Now, we know that every car comes with a spare tire. But some manufacturers put this in the boot, which eats up the boot space and people tend to take it out when they need to store more luggage. Also, punctures are awfully common and you have minimal control over this, so chances are that your spare tire is already used up. So don’t forget to get that repaired as well!

  1. Wiper blades

You don’t want to have a broken windshield wiper in the middle of heavy rainfall, so it’s important to have spare blades in case your current ones start malfunctioning.

  1. Lights

If you drive with a broken taillight or headlight, you will likely get pulled over by police. And even if getting a ticket is not a threat, causing an accident is. For that reason, store spare light bulbs in your trunk for emergency situations, courtesy of users of https://www.lecasinoenligne.co/machines-a-sous-en-ligne/.

  1. Coil

Having a spare coil is crucial for people who drive a six-volt vehicle, especially for long trips.

  1. Spark plug

Your spark plug may fall out or loosen during your drive, and if that happens, your car may not start properly–or even start at all. Thus, having a spare spark plug in your toolbox is a good idea. If your spark plug does happen to malfunction, an extra can help you reach your destination.

  1. Filters

When was the last time you changed your air and oil filter? In any case, keep spare ones handy in your car to prevent any potential issues.

  1. Belts

Even if you’ve just changed your car’s belt, don’t hesitate to bring a spare with you, especially if you plan to take a long trip. Keep spare belts for the one that runs the water pump and whatever unusual pump that you won’t find a spare belt for in most stores.

  1. Points and condenser

If you drive a car with a points-based and mechanically-advanced ignition, keep a condenser and spare points on hand regardless of the length of your drive. These are the usual parts that break down in the middle of the road.