How to Change Your Location Tag on TikTok: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Change Your Location Tag on TikTok

Are you looking to add a touch of global flair to your TikTok videos? Changing your location tag on TikTok can give your content a new and exciting twist. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of changing your location tag on TikTok, allowing you to connect with audiences from around the world. So, if you’re ready to take your TikTok game to the next level, let’s dive right in! This content is presented by

Hitting the Road: Changing Your Location Tag

Step 1: Open the TikTok App

To get started, launch the TikTok app on your device. If you’re not already logged in, make sure to enter your credentials to access your account. Explore how to turn off location on tiktok.

Step 2: Create a New Video

Tap on the ‘+’ icon at the bottom of the screen to start creating a new video. You can either record a fresh video or upload one from your device.

Step 3: Access the Location Tag

After recording or uploading your video, proceed to the editing screen. Here, you’ll find various options and icons. Look for the “Location” tag icon, which resembles a map marker.

Step 4: Search for Your Desired Location

Click on the “Location” tag icon and use the search bar to find your desired location. You can type in a specific city, landmark, or even a general region.

Step 5: Apply the Location Tag

Once you’ve found the location you want, click on it to apply the tag to your video. You’ll notice the location appearing on your video as an overlay.

Step 6: Preview and Post

Before finalizing your video, take a moment to preview it with the new location tag. If everything looks great, add any captions, effects, or music you desire. Then, hit the “Post” button to share your creation with the TikTok community!

Why Change Your Location Tag?How to Change Your Location Tag on TikTok

Changing your location tag on TikTok offers a range of benefits. It allows you to:

  • Connect with a Global Audience: By adding location tags from various places, you can connect with users from different parts of the world, expanding your reach and engagement.
  • Explore Creative Opportunities: Changing your location tag can inspire new and creative content ideas. Different locations might spark unique concepts for your videos.
  • Showcase Diversity: If you’re a traveler or someone who appreciates diverse cultures, changing your location tag can reflect your interests and experiences.
  • Stay Relevant: Using location tags that are relevant to trending topics or challenges can keep your content current and increase its discoverability.


Q1: Can I change the location tag after posting a video?

Yes, you can edit the location tag of a video even after it’s been posted. Simply go to the video, click on the three dots (…), and select “Edit.”

Q2: Are there any restrictions on location tags?

TikTok provides a wide range of location tags to choose from. However, you cannot create custom location tags; you must select from the available options.

Q3: Will changing my location tag affect who sees my videos?

Yes, using popular or trending location tags could potentially expose your video to a broader audience, including those interested in that specific location.

Q4: How often can I change my location tag?

There’s no set limit to how often you can change your location tag. Feel free to experiment and switch it up as often as you like.

Q5: Can I use location tags to increase my followers?

While location tags can increase your video’s visibility, gaining followers depends on the quality and appeal of your content.

So, there you have it! Changing your location tag on TikTok is a simple yet effective way to infuse your videos with new energy and connect with TikTok users from all corners of the world. Get started today and let your creativity take flight!