Author Archives: Eleena

Be a Leader in Nuclear Energy Innovation with Your Startup

Nuclear Energy Innovation

Nuclear energy is a major source of power for the United States, and it’s important to keep this industry thriving. With your startup, you can help provide new solutions to improve safety, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness in nuclear energy. Here are some steps you can take that will make your company stand out among its competitors. […]

Best Apps To Learn To Play Piano: Free Apps

Best Apps To Learn To Play Piano

Learning how to play piano can be a daunting task. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of the best apps to learn the piano. They’ll help you master basic chords and scales, understand more advanced techniques like arpeggios and triplets, and even teach you how to read sheet music with ease. Here are our favorites. […]

How to Change the Font Size on Your Smartphone

Change the Font Size on Your Smartphone

There are times when you wish the text on your smartphone screen was bigger. Whether you’re reading an article and wish the text was larger or watching a movie and want the text to be larger, there are a lot of options for you on android. The good news is that changing the font size […]